Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (2024)

Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (1)

Spawn Commands:

  • SDF
  • SDFRide - become the dino!
  • GMSummon
  • SummonTamed
  • Summon
  • SpawnDino
  • SpawnActor
  • Blueprint Path
  • Creature ID

How to:

  • Choose The Right Spawn Code
  • How to Use Spawn Codes

Related Items:

  • Alpha Crystal Wyvern Chibi Cheat Codes
  • Alpha Crystal Talon Cheat Codes

Related Creatures:

  • Crystal Wyvern (Blood)
  • Crystal Wyvern (Ember)
  • Crystal Wyvern (Tropical)
  • Crystal Wyvern Queen (Alpha)
  • Crystal Wyvern Queen (Beta)
  • Crystal Wyvern Queen (Gamma)

How to change parameters and FAQ's?

Choose the Right Spawn Code



Specify Level

Play as Dino

Tame Effectiveness

Ride Bareback

Spawn Distance


SDFAlpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (2)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (3)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (4)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (5)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (6)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (7)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (8)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (9)
SDFRideAlpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (10)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (11)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (12)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (13)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (14)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (15)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (16)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (17)
GMSummon *Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (18)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (19)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (20)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (21)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (22)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (23)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (24)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (25)
SummonTamed *Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (26)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (27)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (28)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (29)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (30)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (31)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (32)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (33)
SummonAlpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (34)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (35)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (36)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (37)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (38)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (39)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (40)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (41)
SpawnDinoAlpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (42)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (43)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (44)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (45)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (46)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (47)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (48)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (49)
SpawnActorAlpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (50)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (51)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (52)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (53)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (54)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (55)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (56)Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (57)

* these codes are supposed to spawn tamed creatures but in some cases the code will still work but will only spawn wild creatures (bosses and event creatures). In thoses cases it is noted on their cheat code page.

SDF Cheat Command

The Alpha Crystal Wyvern cannot be spawned in using the SDF command. Use SpawnDino Code instead.

SDFRide Cheat Command

It is not possible to become a Alpha Crystal Wyvern using the SDFRide Command Code. Use SpawnDino Code or visit the full list of possible SDFRide creatures.

GMSummon Cheat Command

The Alpha Crystal Wyvern cannot be spawned in using the GMSummon command. Use SpawnDino Code instead.

SummonTamed Cheat Command

The Alpha Crystal Wyvern cannot be spawned in using the SummonTamed command. Use SpawnDino Code instead.

Summon Cheat Command

The Alpha Crystal Wyvern cannot be spawned in using the Summon command. Use SpawnDino Code instead.

SpawnDino Cheat Command

This is the SpawnDino Code for Alpha Crystal Wyvern.

You can specify the level with this code but the creature spawned will be wild.

Alpha Crystal Wyvern SpawnDino Code

admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega'" 500 0 0 150

Parameters - admincheat SpawnDino [BlueprintPath] [SpawnDistance] [SpawnYOffset] [SpawnZOffset] [Level] - How to change?

SpawnActor Cheat Command

This is the SpawnActor Code for Alpha Crystal Wyvern.

This code will only spawn in a wild creature and you cannot specify the level.

Alpha Crystal Wyvern SpawnActor Code

admincheat SpawnActor "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega'" 500 0 0

Parameters - admincheat SpawnActor [BlueprintPath] [SpawnDistance] [SpawnYOffset] [SpawnZOffset] - How to change?

Blueprint Path

This is the blueprint path for Alpha Crystal Wyvern.

Alpha Crystal Wyvern Blueprint Path


Creature ID

ID Code for Alpha Crystal Wyvern.

Alpha Crystal Wyvern Creature ID


How to Use Cheat Codes

  • Press the TAB key on your keyboard to open your console (bottom of screen)
  • Paste a spawn command from the list below into the console and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
  • Note: If on multiplayer you must first enter the code enablecheats adminpassword in the console.


  • How do I change Parameters?
  • Should I use Admincheat or Cheat?
  • Do I need a password?
  • Why does my code not work?

How do I change Parameters

  • [Command] - The cheat command such as SDF, Giveitem or Summon.
  • [Creature ID] - Each creature has a unique code you can copy from above. Be aware the some spawn codes require _C after the Creature ID.
  • [Blueprint Path] - Each creature has a unique blueprint path. Be aware that some spawn codes require " " around the blueprint path to work.
  • [Tame Status] - This value should be 1 or True for tamed, or 0 / false for wild. Not all commands will spawn a tamed creature, each creatures own cheat code page will specify which codes you can use.
  • [Level] - The level which you want the creature to spawn. This spawns the exact level for all codes here except GMSummon which spawns a creature with additional taming bonus.
  • [SpawnDistance] - The distance in front of you.
  • [SpawnYOffset] - Spawns to the right or left of you, negative numbers spawn to the left, positive numbers spawn to the right.
  • [SpawnZOffset] - Spawns above or below you - positive numbers spawn above, negative numbers spawn below.

Should I use Admincheat or Cheat?

I have included admincheat by default in all the commands you can copy above for convenience as it works everywhere.

Single player you can use the command cheat or simply the command alone instead.

Do I need a password?

Singleplayer: On single player you do not need to use a password.

Multiplayer: If on multiplayer you must enter the code enablecheats adminpassword in the console before any cheats / commands will work. You can get your password from your server provider / host or admin.

Why does my code not work?

Sometimes spawn codes fail, by far the most likely cause is a conflict with a mod, or sometimes it appears to be an issue with not having the item already in your cache (this cause is iffy but I have seen it mentioned quite often), or maybe an update has temporarily broken the codes.

EASY CODE NOT WORKING SOLUTION - Use the full GMSummon cheat code above.

You could spend lots of time tracking down the root cause but I suggest you save time and just use this consistent solution (in my experience, let me know if you know otherwise).

Alpha Crystal Wyvern Cheat Codes (2024)


What is the command to spawn an alpha crystal Wyvern? ›

To spawn a Alpha Blood Crystal Wyvern, you can use the GMSummon command "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega_C".

What is the code for wyvern Crystal in Ark? ›

To spawn a Crystal Wyvern, you can use the GMSummon command "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_C".

Can you force tame Alpha Crystal Wyvern? ›

Can you force tame and ride a alpha wyvern? Yes. Do you keep it or does it despawn? You /can/ keep them.

Are alpha Wyverns rare? ›

Basic Info. The Alpha Wyvern is a bigger, stronger version of the normal Wyvern which rarely spawns inside The World Scar.

Are alpha Crystal Wyverns aggressive? ›

Crystal Wyverns are passive unless provoked by any means. Heirs on the other hand, are extremely aggressive and will give chase at anything it sees.

Can alpha wyverns lay eggs? ›

Their eggs can also be found outside of the normal areas, dropped by Wyverns that are flying alone in the wild. Alpha Wyverns cannot breed. Alpha Wyvern Eggs are larger, and glow like they're glowing in the dark. Hatch them like you would hatch a normal Wyvern egg.

What is the max level crystal Wyvern spawn? ›

Only heirs lay eggs and the highest level for the Wyverns is 225.

What is the cheat code for a wyvern in Ark? ›

To spawn a Wyvern, you can use the GMSummon command "Wyvern_Character_BP_Base_C".

What is the admin code for Crystal in Ark? ›

Crystal GFI

The GFI code for Crystal is PrimalItemResource_Crystal. Use this command to give yourself one or more Crystal.

What is the cheat code for Tropical Crystal Wyvern? ›

The spawn command for a tamed Tropical Crystal Wyvern is "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_WS_C".

What is the Crystal Wyvern Queen code in Ark? ›

The spawn command for a tamed Crystal Wyvern Queen is "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_C".

What is the Wyvern spawn command? ›

Wyvern Spawn Command (Tamed)

The spawn command for a tamed Wyvern is "Wyvern_Character_BP_Base_C".

What is the GFI code for Alpha Crystal Talon? ›

The GFI code for Crystal Talon is ApexDrop_CrystalWyvern. Use this command to give yourself one or more Crystal Talon.


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