Is 100 Minus Your Age Outdated? (2024)

One of the most basic principles of investing is to gradually reduce your risk as you get older. That makes sense when you consider that retirees don’t have the luxury of waiting (or the capital, for that matter) for the market to bounce back after a dip. The dilemma is figuring out exactly how safe you should be relative to the stage of life you're in at any given point in time.

For years, a commonly cited rule of thumb has helped simplify asset allocation. According to this principle, individuals should hold a percentage of stocks equal to 100 minus their age. So, for a typical 60-year-old, 40% of the portfolio should be equities. The rest would comprise high-grade bonds, government debt, and other relatively safe assets.

Key Takeaways

  • Reducing the amount of risk as you get older is one of the basic principles of investing.
  • One of the common rules of asset allocation is to invest a percentage in stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age.
  • People are living longer, which means there may be a need to change this rule, especially since many fixed-income investments offer lower yields.
  • It may make sense to hold a percentage of stocks equal to 110 or 120 minus your age.
  • You should consider other factors in your investment strategy, including the age at which you want to retire and the amount of money you think you'll need.

Reasons to Change the Rules

Pretty straightforward, right? Not necessarily. While an easy-to-remember guideline can help take some of the complexity out of retirement planning, it may be time to revisit this particular one. Over the past few decades, a lot has changed for the American investor.

For one thing, modern portfolio theory was birthed in the 1950's by Harry Markowtiz. Since then, life expectancy here (as in many developed countries) has steadily risen. The average American lives approximately 77 years, while the average lifespan at the theory's creation was closer to 70 years old. What's the lesson here? Not only do we have to increase our nest eggs, but we also have more time to grow our money and recover from a dip.

At the same time, U.S. Treasury bonds are paying a fraction of what they once did. As of May 2022, a 10-year T-bill yields 2.75% annually. In the early 1980s, investors could count on interest rates upwards of 10%.

Make sure you consult a financial professional when undertaking any investment strategy and before you make any investment decisions.

Revised Guidelines

For many investment pros, such realities mean that the old “100 minus your age” axiom puts investors in jeopardy of running low on funds during their later years. Some modified the rule to 110 minus your age. Those with a higher tolerance for risk may further modify that rule by going even further to 120 minus your age.

Not surprisingly, many fund companies follow these revised guidelines(or even more aggressive ones) when putting together their own target-date funds. For example, funds with a target date of 2035 are geared to investors who are currently around 50 (as of 2020). But instead of allocating 50% of their assets to equities:

  • Vanguard's Target Retirement 2035 Fund has more than 70% allocated to equities
  • T. Rowe Price's Retirement 2035 Fund builds in even more risk with more than 50% invested in equities

It’s important to keep in mind that guidelines like this are just a starting point for making your investment decisions. A variety of factors may shape an investment strategy, including the age at retirement and the assets needed to sustain one’s lifestyle.

Since women live nearly five years longer than men on average, they have higher costs in retirement than men and an incentive to be slightly more aggressive with their nest egg.

Read about Investopedia's 10 Rules of Investing by picking up a copy of our special issue print edition.

Is There a Proper Asset Allocation by Age?

Your age dictates how much risk you're willing to take on in your investments. The general rule is that the younger you are, the more risk you're able to tolerate. The older you get, though, means you must cut back on the amount of risk in your portfolio. The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks.

Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

What Is the Old Rule About the Best Portfolio Balance by Age?

The old rule about the best portfolio balance by age is that you should hold the percentage of stocks in your portfolio that is equal to 100 minus your age. So a 30-year-old investor should hold 70% of their portfolio in stocks. This should change as the investor gets older.

But with individuals living longer, investors may be better suited in changing that rule to 110 minus your age or even 120 minus your age.

Does Changing Investment Portfolio Allocation by Age Make Sense?

It does make sense to change your portfolio allocation by age. That's because the older you get, the less risk you can tolerate. Put simply, you don't have the time to lose and replenish the capital base in your nest egg. Preservation of capital is important for those who are closer to retirement. As such, financial security is important to them since they can't wait for the market to bounce back.

The Bottom Line

Basing one's stock allocation on age can be a useful tool for retirement planning by encouraging investors to slowly reduce risk over time. However, at a time when adults are living longer and getting fewer rewards from “safe” investments, it might be time to adjust the 100 minus your age guideline and take more risk with retirement funds.

Is 100 Minus Your Age Outdated? (2024)


Is 100 Minus Your Age Outdated? ›

The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks. Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

What is the 100 minus your age rule? ›

What Is the 100-Minus-Your-Age Rule? To follow the 100-minus-your-age rule, retirees deduct their current age from 100 to achieve an optimal balance of stocks and bonds in their retirement portfolio.

What is the 100 age formula? ›

Determining the allocation of assets is a pivotal choice for investors, and a widely used initial guideline by many advisors is the “100 minus age" rule. This principle recommends investing the result of subtracting your age from 100 in equities, with the remaining portion allocated to debt instruments.

What is 120 minus your age? ›

The Rule of 120 (previously known as the Rule of 100) says that subtracting your age from 120 will give you an idea of the weight percentage for equities in your portfolio. The remaining percentage should be in more conservative, fixed-income products like bonds.

What should my asset allocation be for my age? ›

For example, if you're 30, you should keep 70% of your portfolio in stocks. If you're 70, you should keep 30% of your portfolio in stocks. However, with Americans living longer and longer, many financial planners are now recommending that the rule should be closer to 110 or 120 minus your age.

At what age should you have 100k saved? ›

“By the time you hit 33 years old, you should have $100,000 saved somewhere,” he said, urging viewers that they can accomplish this goal. “Save 20 percent of your paycheck and let the market grow at 5% to 7% per year,” O'Leary said in the video.

What is the 120 age rule? ›

The 120-age investment rule is a theory directing investors to keep a higher allocation of riskier investments for longer. This approach helps build more wealth over time, which is critical for the increased average lifespan of retirees.

What is the actual age method? ›

It is essential to know a person's year of birth in order to determine their precise age. With this data, you can carry out the following calculation: Write the current year on a piece of paper, an Excel sheet, or a calculator. Deduct that year from the individual's birth year.

What is the age rule equation? ›

Dating Age Rule. The dating age rule to determining a socially acceptable age difference in partners goes something like this: half your age plus seven (40 = 20 +7 = 27) to define the minimum age of a partner and your age minus seven times two (40 = 33 * 2 = 60) to define the maximum age of a partner.

What is the formula for aging date? ›


In this formula, the first part (TODAY()-B2) usually calculates the difference between the current date and the birth date. The second part of the formula helps divide the difference by 365 to get the number of years (i.e., age in years).

What is the 110 minus your age rule? ›

A common asset allocation rule of thumb is the rule of 110. It is a simple way to figure out what percentage of your portfolio should be kept in stocks. To determine this number, you simply take 110 minus your age. So, if you are 40, then the rule states that 70% of your portfolio should be kept in stocks.

How much do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

The safest place to put your retirement funds is in low-risk investments and savings options with guaranteed growth. Low-risk investments and savings options include fixed annuities, savings accounts, CDs, treasury securities, and money market accounts. Of these, fixed annuities usually provide the best interest rates.

How aggressive should my 401k be at $50? ›

Now, most financial advisors recommend that you have between five and six times your annual income in a 401(k) account or other retirement savings account by age 50. With continued growth over the rest of your working career, this amount should generally let you have enough in savings to retire comfortably by age 65.

Should a 70 year old be in the stock market? ›

Conventional wisdom holds that when you hit your 70s, you should adjust your investment portfolio so it leans heavily toward low-risk bonds and cash accounts and away from higher-risk stocks and mutual funds. That strategy still has merit, according to many financial advisors.

Why does 80 minus your age plus 40 work? ›

Why does the sequence 80 - <your age> + 40 = <your year of birth> always work? Because it is 120 - your age.

What is the 100 year rule in investing? ›

What Is the Old Rule About the Best Portfolio Balance by Age? The old rule about the best portfolio balance by age is that you should hold the percentage of stocks in your portfolio that is equal to 100 minus your age.

What is age minus 40 times 2? ›

Another age-based formula is (age-40) x 2. This is a more aggressive stock allocation formula than the one above. An investor wouldn't begin allocating to bonds until they turn 40. For a 60-year-old investor, their bond allocation would be (60-40) x 2 = 40%.


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