One Day at a Time - Season 5 (1975) Episode: 10 Watch Online Free (2024)


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Episode 01: Back to School Episode 02: Pressure Episode 03: Julie's Wedding (1) Episode 04: Julie's Wedding (2) Episode 05: Home Again, Home Again Episode 06: Between Mother and Daughter Episode 07: Small Wonder Episode 08: Et tu, Ann Episode 09: A Little Larceny Episode 10: Heart Attack Episode 11: Male Jealousy Episode 12: Happy New Year II Episode 13: Schneider, the Model Episode 14: Triple Play Episode 15: So Long, Mom (a.k.a.) Not Telling Episode 16: Old Horizons Episode 17: Endless Elliot Episode 18: Retrospective (1) Episode 19: Retrospective (2) Episode 20: Girl with a Past Episode 21: Perils of Plastic Episode 22: No Laughing Matter Episode 23: Connor's Crisis Episode 24: Grecian Yearn Episode 25: Pen Pals

The misadventures of a divorced mother, her family and their building superintendent in Indianapolis.

Actors: Bonnie Franklin, Bonnie Franklin 6 January 1944, Santa Monica, California, USA Pat Harrington Jr., Pat Harrington Jr. 13 August 1929, New York City, New York, USA Valerie Bertinelli, Valerie Bertinelli 23 April 1960, Wilmington, Delaware, USA Mackenzie Phillips, Mackenzie Phillips 10 November 1959, Alexandria, Virginia, USA Glenn Scarpelli, Glenn Scarpelli 6 July 1966, Staten Island, New York, USA Michael Lembeck, Michael Lembeck 25 June 1948, Brooklyn, New York, USA Boyd Gaines, Boyd Gaines 11 May 1953, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Nanette Fabray, Nanette Fabray 27 October 1920, San Diego, California, USA Shelley Fabares, Shelley Fabares 19 January 1944, Santa Monica, California, USA Richard Masur, Richard Masur 20 November 1948, New York City, New York, USA Ron Rifkin, Ron Rifkin 31 October 1939, New York City, New York, USA ...»

Genre: Comedy

Director: Alan Rafkin, Asaad Kelada

Country: United States

Release: 1979

IMDb: 6.6


Duration: 30 min

Keywords: #Bonnie Franklin #One Day at a Time #Pat Harrington Jr. #Season 5 #Valerie Bertinelli

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One Day at a Time - Season 5 (1975) Episode: 10  Watch Online Free (2024)


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