Choosing a Fixed or ARM Option

One of the most important decisions a homeowner will have to make when deciding to re-finance their home is whether they want to refinance with a fixed mortgage, an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) or a hybrid loan which combines the two options. The names are pretty much self explanatory but basically a fixed rate mortgage is a mortgage where the interest rate remains constant and an ARM is a mortgage where the interest rate varies. The amount the interest rate varies is usually tied to an index such as the prime index. Additionally there are usually clauses which prevent the interest rate from rising or dropping dramatically during a specific period of time. This safety clause provides protection for both the homeowner and the lender.

Advantages of a Fixed Option

A fixed re-financing option is ideal for homeowners with good credit who are able to lock in a favorable interest rate. For these homeowners the interest rate they are able to retain makes it worthwhile for the homeowner to re-finance at the new interest rate. The major advantage to this type of re-financing options is stability. Homeowners who re-finance with a fixed mortgage rate do not have to be concerned about how their payments may vary during the course of the loan period.

Disadvantages of a Fixed Option

Although the ability to lock in a favorable interest rate is an advantage it can also be considered a disadvantage. This is because homeowners who re-finance to obtain a favorable interest rate will not be able to take advantage of subsequent interest rate drops unless they re-finance again in the future. This will result in the homeowner incurring additional closing costs when they re-finance again.

Advantages of an ARM Option

An ARM re-finance option is favorable in situations where the interest rate is expected to drop in the near future. Homeowners who are skilled at predicting trends in the economy and interest rates may consider re-financing with an ARM if they expect the rates to drop during the course of the loan period. However, interest rates are tied to a number of different factors and may rise unexpectedly at any time despite the predictions by industry experts.

A homeowner who can predict the future would be able to determine whether or not an ARM is the best re-financing option. However, since this is not possible homeowners have to either rely on their instincts and hope for the best or select a less risky option such as a fixed interest rate.

Disadvantages of an ARM Option

The most obvious disadvantage to an ARM re-financing option is that the interest rate may rise significantly and unexpectedly. In these situations the homeowner may suddenly find themselves paying significantly more each month to compensate for the higher interest rates. While this is a disadvantage, there are some elements of protection for both the homeowner and the lender. This often comes in the form of a clause in the terms of the contract which prevents the interest rate from being raised or lowered by a certain percentage over a specific period of time.

Consider a Hybrid Re-Financing Option

Homeowners who are undecided and find certain aspects of fixed rate mortgages as well as certain aspects of ARMs to be appealing might consider a hybrid re-financing option. A hybrid loans is one which combines both fixed interest rates and adjustable interest rates. This is often done by offering a fixed interest rate for an introductory period and then converting the mortgage to an ARM. In this option, lenders typically offer introductory interest rates which are extremely enticing to encourage homeowners to choose this option. A hybrid loan may also work in the opposite way by offering an ARM for a certain amount of time and then converting the mortgage to a fixed rate mortgage. This version can be quite risky as the homeowner may find the interest rates at the conclusion of the introductory period are not favorable to the homeowner.

Checking Mortgage Rates Online

Homeowners who are planning to re-finance their home may find the Internet to be a very worthwhile resource. The Internet is useful because it can give the homeowner a wealth of information as well as the ability to compare different rates from different lenders at their convenience. While these options have made re-financing a more convenient process there is more potential for danger. However, homeowners who exercise a small amount of common sense in using the Internet for re-financing often find they are not at any additional risk.

Comparison Shop at Your Convenience

One of the most popular advantages to researching re-financing online is the ability to comparison shop at the homeowner’s convenience. This is important because many homeowners work long hours and often find they are not able to meet with lenders during regular business hours because of job restraints. The Internet, however, is open 24 hours a day and allows homeowners to research their options, make important calculations or receive online quotes at any time of the day through the use of automated systems.

Homeowners can also take their time comparing the quotes they receive from these lenders online instead of feeling pressured to provide an immediate response. While homeowners may have some additional time available to them, these same homeowners should realize they do need to act relatively quickly to lock in estimates they receive as interest rates are often time sensitive in nature and cannot be guaranteed for long periods of time.

Use Only Reliable Resources

Homeowners who are using the Internet to research re-financing options and obtain quotes should carefully consider their sources when making important decisions regarding the subject of re-financing. Homeowners who stick with well known lenders and established websites will not likely encounter problems but those who select a new lender may be surprised by the results of the re-financing attempt.

Homeowners who are unsure about the reliability of a particular resource or lender should do additional research on the company. One of the easiest ways to do this is to consult the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB may be able to provide the homeowner with valuable information regarding the number of previous complaints against the company. A company who has a large number of unresolved complaints should be considered an unreliable company. However, homeowners should not assume companies without a significant number of complaints are reputable unless the company has been in existence for a number of years and is a member of the BBB.

Homeowners should also take care not to be fooled by fancy web design. A website which looks very professional is not necessarily a website which is accurate and informative. Many skilled website designers can create websites which are both attractive and professional looking. These website designers can also optimize a website for particular mortgage related keywords so users find the page easily when searching for these terms but this does not necessarily make the website designer knowledgeable about the subject to re-financing.

Confirm Loan Terms in Person before Committing

While shopping for re-financing options online is certainly easy and convenient, homeowners should consider completing the application process either in person or over the phone instead of relying on an automated system. While the Internet is good for research purposes, homeowners can take advantage of face to face meetings or telephone conferences to ask all of their relevant questions. Asking all of these questions will help the homeowner to ensure he fully understand the loan terms as well as all of his available options.

Completing the re-financing process in person or over the phone can also prevent the homeowner from being surprised by any elements of the mortgage re-finance. This may include additional fees which are tacked on during the processing of the application, rates which are only available in certain situations or other elements of the re-financing agreement which could significantly impact the homeowner’s decision making process.

Are You Considering Re-Financing?

Homeowners who are considering re-financing their home may have a wealth of options available to them. However, these same homeowners may find themselves feeling overwhelmed by this wealth of options. This process doesn’t have to be so difficult though. Homeowners can greatly assist themselves in the process by taking a few simple steps. First the homeowner should determine his refinancing goals. Next the homeowner should consult with a re-financing expert and finally the homeowner should be aware that re-financing is not always the best solution.

Determine Your Goals for Re-Financing

The first step in any re-financing process should be for the homeowner to determine his goals and why he is considering re-financing. There are many different answers to this question and none of the answers are necessarily right or wrong. The most important thing is that the homeowner is making a decision which helps him achieve his financial goals. While there are no right or wrong answer to why re-financing should be considered there are, however, certain reasons for re-financing which are very common. These reasons include:

* Reducing monthly mortgage payments
* Consolidating existing debts
* Reducing the amount of interest paid over the course of the loan
* Repaying the loan quicker
* Gaining equity quicker

Although the reasons listed above are not the only reason homeowners might consider re-financing, they are some of the most popular reasons. They are included in this article for the purpose of getting the reader thinking. The reader may find their mortgage re-financing strategy fits into one of the above goals or they may have a completely different reason for wanting to re-finance. The reason for wanting to re-finance is not as important as determining this reason. This is because a homeowner, or even a financial advisor, will have a difficult time determining the best re-financing option for a homeowner if he does not know the goals of the homeowner.

Consult with a Re-Financing Expert

Once a homeowner has figured out why they want to re-finance, the homeowner should consider meeting with a re-financing expert to determine the best refinancing strategy. This will likely be a strategy which is financially sound but is also still geared to meeting the needs of the homeowner.

Homeowners who feel as though they are particularly well versed in the subject of re-financing might consider skipping the option of consulting with a re-financing expert. However, this is not recommended because even the most educated homeowner may not be aware of the newest re-financing options being offered by lenders.

While not understanding all the options may not seem like a big deal, it can have a significant impact. Homeowners may not even be aware of mistakes they are making but they may here of friends who re-financed under similar conditions and receive more favorable terms. Hearing these scenarios can be quite disheartening for some homeowners especially if they could have saved considerably more while re-financing.

Consider Not Re-Financing as a Viable Option

Homeowners who are considering re-financing may realize the importance of evaluating a number of different re-financing options to determine which option is best but these same homeowners may not realize they should also carefully consider not re-financing as an option. This is often referred to as the “do nothing” option because it refers to the conditions which will exist if the homeowner does not make a change in their mortgage situation.

For each re-financing option considered, the homeowner should determine the estimated monthly payment, amount of interest paid during the course of the loan, year in which the loan will be fully repaid and the amount of time the homeowner will have to remain in the home to recoup closing costs associated with re-financing. Homeowners should also determine these values for the current mortgage. This can be very helpful for comparison purposes. Homeowners can compare these results and often the best option is quite clear from these numeric calculations. However, if the analysis does not yield a clear cut answer, the homeowner may have to evaluate secondary characteristics to make the best possible decision.



Bluffing Tips For Poker Players

Bluffing has always been an integral part of the game of poker. Bluffing, when done expertly and successfully, can serve as the key to winning crucial rounds in poker. Don’t you feel impressed whenever great poker players are able to remain calm and indifferent even when holding the direst of cards in their hands? Put in their place, you wonder if you can do the same thing. Bluffing in poker may not be an easy art to master but with determination and effort, neither is it an impossible task to achieve. To help you hone your bluffing skills, here are a few tips that you may consider.

Bluffing When Playing Online Poker
As a rule, players are discouraged from bluffing too much when playing online poker. The reason behind this is simple – what’s the point of bluffing when you can’t maximize the effect? Your opponents are unable to see you! So what good would your poker face do?

And since most players are aware of this fact, a lot of them dare to bluff more than they usually do in live poker games. They raise the stakes even if they can’t afford to, hoping that you’ll back off. They call on your shots, thinking that maybe, you’re just bluffing like they do.

If you still want to bluff even in online poker games, we advise that you keep your bluffing to a minimum. Be unpredictable so that your faceless opponents wouldn’t know if you’re really holding a good poker hand or you’re just trying to pull all their legs.

Bluffing When Playing Live Poker
Now this is the time when poker faces give you a distinct advantage. If you feel nervous about bluffing, try circulating the room first and observe how other poker players keep their cool even when they’re up against big odds. Admire and observe. We know how tough it is to keep your face expressionless even when you’re holding five useless cards but remind yourself that if they can do it, then you can certainly do it too.

Don’t let anything or anyone affect your game. If it helps, imagine that this game is just a game for fun and there aren’t scores of people around you, watching your every move, waiting to see if you’re going to fight…or fold. I know what I’m asking for is hard work but really, bluffing depends on your mental strength as much as your acting skills!